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Your support will help individuals like Jesse. Jesse is an 18-year-old who has received services at FSA for multiple years due to difficult family dynamics, loss of her mother, trauma, and additional events occurring in her young life. While in treatment Jesse was expected to put her own family above herself and be the primary caregiver for the younger kids in the home. Jesse was close to being dropped out of school; family members were no longer wanting to keep Jesse in their home due to Jesse not providing the childcare they wanted. Jesse was assessed and hospitalized multiple times by FSA’s Mobile Crisis Response Team due to suicidal ideation and Jesse tried to take her own life on multiple occasions. When Jesse was coming close to graduating High School, the family she was staying with received an eviction notice. They did not take Jesse with them when they moved nor inform Jesse of what was happening. Jesse woke up one morning to a dirty and empty apartment with no idea where her family went. With the help of FSA’s staff and generous donations Jesse was able to get legal copies of her birth certificate and social security card in order to get and Illinois ID. Jesse was also able to be housed in a safe and clean hotel for the final weeks before graduation High School and moving onto more stable housing. Jesse received donations that helped her be able to afford food, the basic necessities needed for living, and a phone to be able to communicate with her services and others. All while being enveloped with her treatment team at FSA who helped teach her basic skills of budgeting, grocery shopping, and filling out paperwork for housing assistance, and more. Jesse has concluded her treatment at FSA due to moving away and is in a safe and stable environment where she is continuing to be wrapped in services and care. With your generous donation, FSA can continue to help individuals like Jesse receive the care and treatment they need and deserve. Thank you for helping us to support them!